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What are our motivations in our worship and in relationship with God? That is the question Jesus is asking us today. “If you practice your piety before others to be seen by them, you have your reward.” Jesus says that people who flaunt their religion in public, for the benefit of their audience, are just actors and their performance means nothing to God. Instead, Jesus tells us to show our piety in private, before God alone. Give in secret, not letting your right hand know what the left is doing. Pray in the closet, not on the street corner. Don’t advertise your fasting, but clean yourself up, be joyful, and don’t talk about it.

The same is true for our Lenten discipline. Whatever you decide to do – whether it is giving something up or taking on a new discipline – that is between you and God. You might ask a trusted friend for advice, but your practice of piety is between you and God. What can you do this Lent to improve your relationship with God? What will draw you into a closer walk with your Creator?