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The Gospel reading today contains one of the most Bible recognized verses in the American culture. But, to really understand what Jesus is saying in this oft quoted verse, we must look at the verses which precede it in this chapter, as well as study the Hebrew Scriptures.

We know that Nicodemus was a leader of the Jewish people, but was curious about this man he had heard so much about. Fearing his colleagues on the Sanhedrin, the legislative council of the Jews, Nicodemus approached Jesus at night, in the dark. From his response to Jesus, it is clear that Nicodemus misunderstood Jesus’ meaning, since he went immediately into the aspect of reentering the mother’s womb. However, Jesus continues to try to explain His meaning by quoting the passage from Numbers which we heard today and equating that with His own crucifixion. Thus, in Jesus’ words, we see salvation as rebirth as children of God through water and the Spirit. Through Jesus’ crucifixion, death, and resurrection, He is revealed as the revelation of God.