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The Gospel lesson today offers many problems the early church faced. We are told that the initial incident reported happened on that same day, the day of the resurrection. We also know, from the earlier verses in this same chapter, that Mary Magdalene had been at the tomb, seen the risen Christ, and had reported that to the disciples. We know that Peter and the Beloved Disciple raced to the tomb to see this for themselves and, as recorded in verse 8 of this chapter, the Beloved Disciple believed. With this evidence, why were the disciples locked in a room, with all the doors and windows securely fastened?

We are told that they feared the Jewish leaders – likely fearing they would face the same death that Jesus faced. When He appeared in the midst of them, Jesus showed them His hands and His side, the marks of His crucifixion. At this, they rejoiced. Again, Jesus bade them peace and breathed the Holy Spirit upon them. In telling Thomas about this, they stated that they had seen Jesus. Why, then, were they still locked in that room a week later? They had not believed the testimony of Mary Magdalene, nor their own experience with Jesus. People claim Thomas doubted; what about the rest of them?