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In the readings today, we see a theme of the shepherd. From the reading in Jeremiah and the 23rd Psalm, to the Gospel reading from Mark, the theme of the shepherd weighs heavily. In all of these readings, we see a direct appeal to today’s church. What is that appeal?

As one commentator says, any passage that begins with “woe” might make us a little hesitant as we explore what follows. The shepherds Jeremiah is condemning here are the kings of Judah who have allowed the Israelites to be taken captive because of the kings’ sinful nature. He is also blasting corrupt leaders in general. Whether they be monarchs or just national leaders of any type, Jeremiah is placing the sorry state of the country clearly at the feet of those who put themselves first at the expense of their people. However, the prophet ends this rant on a high note – looking forward to the day when a righteous king will come to the throne. In that day, the people will be led into safety.