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Most people do not like history – reading it or studying it. I think the root of the problem is that a lot of the high school history teachers when we were in school were coaches, frequently football or basketball coaches who were more focused on their teams than on teaching in the classroom. Therefore, their lessons in history classes focused on facts and dates, issues that could easily be tested using true and false or multiple choice questions. Thus, their classes were a series of memorizations of these facts with very little discussion on the great themes of history and the lessons to be learned. BORING! Unfortunately, this carries over into all aspects of life, including biblical readings.

The Book of Acts is the history of the early church – its beginnings and struggles expanding into an ever increasing Gentile population. This book explores the methods of evangelism and the organizational structure the apostles put into place to manage the growing assembly. Problems arose and councils were called to address those issues. But, structure was their key to handling all issues. This is obvious in today’s reading.