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Memorial Day is behind us and summer is here. While many are thinking about travel plans, the church is still here with the usual collection of services and activities we enjoy year round. We have been seeing a good turnout for the Wednesday dinners, with some new people enjoying the meals. We will be having a stimulating study of the Letter to the Hebrews throughout the summer months. And, of course, we have our Holy Eucharist at 9:00 each Sunday morning.

But church in the summer is more than the sum of these activities. Church is church all the time because it is the people who gather who are the church. It is not the programing, the activities, the food, or even the sermon that make this church. It is the people who gather to celebrate all that God does for us which makes up the church. When we are all together, there is community; we are one family who enjoy being together. We are the church.