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I would like to begin by thanking all of St. Matthew’s for the wonderful vacation I was able to take the last week of April. And, especially, I would like to thank Lisa and Roland for taking care of the service on Sunday, April 28. While I did not go to any exotic destination, I was able to do some reading I have wanted to tackle and was able to spend two full days working in the diocesan archives. This, for me, is truly a pleasure and I was able to get a lot accomplished in that time.
Enough of the past – what does May hold for St. Matthew’s? In the liturgical calendar, we wrap up the season of Easter with the celebration of the Ascension of Christ and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Church as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles. The final Sunday of May, on Memorial Day weekend, we celebrate the Holy Trinity. No, I will not try to explain the concept of the Trinity in my sermon that day, but we will honor the mystery of God in Three Persons. June will begin the long season “after Pentecost”, also known as Common Time or the Green Season, as the altar frontal and vestments are green.